Karin and I spent the weekend of 6/9 and 10 in the Woodstock area of New Hampshire, for some hiking and camping. On the saturday of our stay we did two smaller hikes, one to Artist Bluff and over Bald Mountain. The modest 1.5 mile loop yielded fine views from this scenic peak. Afterwards, we drove a few miles down the road to hike the Greenleaf Trail, in hopes of finding a rock outcrop called the Eaglet, one the largest free standing rock spires in the East. While missing that we had fine views from Eagle Pass, with a unique view of Cannon Cliff.
Looking from Bald Mtn toward Mt. Lafayette |
The view of Cannon Cliff from Eagle Pass, along the Greenleaf Trail |
What looks to be a recent slide near Eagle Pass. |
Sunday Karin dropped me off at the North Twin Trail, where I would climb North Twin and later decided to take the spur trail over to South Twin Mountain. The three river crossing were not an issue as water level in the Little River were modest at best.
Near the first river crossing along the North Twin Trail |
North and Middle Sugarloaf Mountians, I recall great views from each,
when we climbed them back in 2010 |
I spent an hour at a ledge near the summit of N. Twin,
the raven show was one of the best I've seen, and the
back-drop couldn't have been better. White-throated Sparrows, Winter Wrens,
Bicknell's Thrushes (3), Blackpoll Warblers and juncos were all signing. |
Looking toward the presidential range from S. Twin |
Back toward North Twin from South Twin |
Mt. Garfield with it's "shark- tooth's" profile. |
Another look at the Presidetial Range from just north of N. Twin |
Mts. Tom, Field and Willey |
This metal rim was along the trail, the tree must have grown through it many years ago. |
This precariously balanced rock perched above the little river, I am not sur ehow long it
has been there. But. I wondered if it was a result of Hurricane Irene?
While I didn't bring along the binoculars, I did bird by ear along the hike, the list: Species Count Turkey Vulture...1 Broad-winged Hawk...2 Red-tailed Hawk...1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher...3 Blue-headed Vireo...3 Red-eyed Vireo...8 Common Raven...9 Red-breasted Nuthatch...3 Winter Wren...12 Golden-crowned Kinglet...5 Bicknell's Thrush...6 Swainson's Thrush...12 Hermit Thrush...4 American Robin...5 Ovenbird...4 American Redstart...2 Magnolia Warbler...4 Blackburnian Warbler...3 Blackpoll Warbler...15 Black-throated Blue Warbler...6 Yellow-rumped Warbler...15 Black-throated Green Warbler...8 White-throated Sparrow...8 Dark-eyed Junco...6 Purple Finch...1 Pine Siskin....10