The previous extended weekend Karin and I finally got to spend a little time in the White Mountain Region of New Hampshire. We camped at our favorite campground in the region, Waterest Campground were we hiked , observed nature, did some site-seeing and redoubled our beer sampling efforts at the Woodstock Inn.
On Thursday evening there was a great insect dispersal, flying ants and some unID'd "bugs" that formed pods, while no nighthawks were seen the insects themselves were impressive. Below is snap-shot of the event though the binocular.
Beavers were busy cruising the pond, an immature Great Blue Heron fished the pond's edge, and just before dusk Karin spotted a Black-crowned Nightheron fly into view. It stuck around and returned on subsequent evenings as well.
On Friday we hiked the Franconia Ridge, one of the most scenic hikes in New Hampshire as about 2.5 miles of the 8.9 mile loop is above tree line covering 2 5,000 foot peaks (Mt. Lincoln and Lafayette). There were many colorful mushrooms "on display" on the forest floor before we reached tree line, we also heard a few Boreal Chickadees and watched a Sharp-shinned Hawk hunting from the summit of Lafayette.
a Bolete type mushroom, the flesh turned blue once exposed to air.
These had been infested with some type of larvae. |
A colorful Amanita |
A beetle above tree line, looked similar to a carrion beatle |
Colorful catapillar |
Breaking tree line, a view of Cannon cliff. |
The view toward Mt. Lincoln |
A toward Cannon Cliff, in front is "agony ridge", the bridle path trail following it. |
A windshield for a plant study being conducted (Darthmouth College) be the effect of wind on alpine plants |
Looking down on Cannon Mtn ski trails, Pleasant Mountain and Artist Bluff are to the right. |
On Saturday I hiked Waumbek Mountain, below is a snapshot from Star King Mtn on the way to Waumbek.
Not much in the way for birds on the mountains this trip, with the only northern specialty being Boreal Chickadees on both the Franconia Ridge and Waumbek hikes.