The 1027 Quabbin Gate 35 field trip got off to a late start, due to me being a week ahead yet and hour behind. At home Karin and I, under my encouragement, set the clocks an hour back! Dick and Peg Knowlton had been the only people to show at 8am for the trip, but we did connect at 9am.
Along North Dana Road was a nice selection of late migrants, including 7 Hermit Thrushes, Ruby and Golden-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows and Junco. Near the reservoir several Common Loons were seen, but only a single Horned Grebe and no Red-necked Grebe. Four female Surf Scoters circled well off shore and were only identifiable through the scope, a Greater Yellowlegs was also seen in flight. Land birding was poor along the water's edge due to the strong wind coming in off the water.
A minimum of 5 Bald Eagles were seen, 2 pair of adults and a single first year bird that passed close over head.
Bald Eagle pair perched on a north Quabbin island, later the
were seen perched near a nest across the water. |
Looking south west from the shoreline |
Catapillar Photo = Slow birding! |
After the gate 35 area tour we stopped at North/South Spec Ponds in New Salem, were several Canada Geese, 8-10 American Black Ducks, Mallards and a Pied-billed Grebe were present.
Another North Central Mass stop was the Church/Norcross Hill area, in Templeton , where Cooper's, Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks were seen. A Northern Harrier worked the edge of a field and "caught" the attention of the 200+ American Crows. Many White-throated and Song Sparrows were present but the recently reported pipits were seen or heard.
A Red-shouldered Hawk scanning a corn field. |