The flock of 50 to 60 Common Redpolls that were present early in January have long since moved on, but a the number of American Goldfinches have increased to a dozen and a half over the past few days. This morning the first of this season Wild Turkeys pasted through the yard this morning, a total of 7.
A quick vidi-bin clip of one of 7 Wild Turkeys
In "short order" the 3 most common woodpecker species visited the suet feeders on the back deck.
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker showing its red belly. |
Another view of the RBWO |
First a female Hairy Woodpecker dropped by.... |
....then a male stopped to feed a few minutes later |
We usually have a few pairs of Downy Woodpeckers too, here a male... |
... a female |
A male House Finch, 1 of 26 a high count for my yard |
Over the next several weeks it will be fun watch the goldfinches molt into their alternate (Breeding) plumage.
American Goldfinch, this one with some color.. |
....a drab immature or female.