The east side of High Ridge Wild Life Management Area is a section that I (shamefully) have not explored in over 25 years I have birded and walked this area, other than occasionally checking Whitmanville Reservoir from South Ashburnham Road. The trail, off Old Gardner Road, lead to a stream that cuts through a small ravine which I followed till I reached the RR Tracks just east of the East Gardner Road Marsh.
While the woods were pretty "dead" today, later in the season this area should be a good location to find nesting warblers such as; Ovenbird, Louisiana Watherthrush, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Blackburnian, and Magnolia Warblers. Other song birds I'd expect nesting would be Hermit Thrush, Winter wren, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Golden-crowned Kinglet and of course Red-eyed Vireo.
An attractive stream, good habitat for Louisiana Waterthrush |
Old "tin wear" near an old cellar hole. |
Another view of this quick moving stream. |
A minnow with a wound/growth on its back. |
Glacial erratic |
Red-tailed Hawk, also a Red-shouldered Hawk was heard calling from high overhead. |
An oncoming freight train, the tracks thorough the WMA are active, its always good to be aware. |
Bush whacking from the rr tracks eventually lead me to a large beaver impoundment, to the east. The spruce grove that surrounds the pond would appear to be good habitat from nesting Golden-crowned Kinglets, Magnolia Warbler and Red-breasted Nuthatches.
A nice Spruce Grove, near a large beaver pond just west of Whitmanville Res. |
Signs of beaver all along the shore line. |
An open view of the pond, looking west, |
A pair of Common Mergansers on Whitmanville Res. |
The spill way from Whitmanville Res. |
The bird list from this 4 1/2 mile meander through the woods:
Wood Duck....
Mallard (Northern)...2
Common Merganser (North American)....2
Red-shouldered Hawk....1
Red-tailed Hawk....1
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern)....3
Pileated Woodpecker.....1
American Crow.....3
Common Raven.....2
Black-capped Chickadee....
Tufted Titmouse....
Red-breasted Nuthatch....5
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern)......6
Brown Creeper.....5
Golden-crowned Kinglet....3
American Robin....5
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)....1
Northern Cardinal....2
House Finch....2