I traveled north, this labor day weekend, to hike a few more of New Hampshire's White Mountains. Saturday afternoon I made it up Mt. Tecumseh (4003'), about a 7 mile round trip and a modest grade, but the is only limited views from the summit. I did cross paths with one mixed flock of songbirds near the parking lot, which had the following warblers: Nashville (1), Magnolia (3), Blackpoll (3), Bay-breasted (1), Yellow-rumped (2), Black-throated Green (3) and Black-throated Blue (2, one was a male that sang briefly).

From Tecumseh looking toward the Tripyramids(North, Middle and South)

Looking North West from Tecumseh viewing the Cannon Mtn (Left) Franconia Ridge (Right).
Sunday's hike was more dramatic, a 9.0 mile loop up Mt. Flume (4328'), via the Flume Slide Trail, then Mt. Liberty (4460') going down the Liberty Spring Trail. Note, any trail name with the word "Slide" in it, will generally be steep (very steep) this "piece of work" gains nearly 1400' feet of elevation in 0.7 miles. While resting in a few spots I was able to spish in some Boreal Chickadees. The remainder of the hike was uneventful, but the views were anything but! A crisp day made for great view of Cannon Mtn., the Sandwich Range (to the south), the Bonds and Presidentials (to the east).

Mt. Liberty from Mt. Flume

Lincoln and Lafayette from Flume

Looking down on Cannon Mtn. from Mt. Liberty

Near the Liberty Summit

Mt Liberty, the towns of Woodstock and Lincoln below.
I saw little in the way of migration raptors, but I did not scan too much. Next week I plan to be on Mt. Watatic, where scenery is not as dramatic, but very pleasant in its own right.