Two massive wind turbines where installed near the the MCI North Central prison facility during the winter of 2010-2011.
Here is a link to details on the project. I see these turbines several times a week while driving past, on RTE 2 or RTE 140, but I have yet to see either of these turning for 13 months! The few people I have asked about this issue have given me the same answer.... apparently the local substation is not equipped to accept the electrical current from these giants, might have been a handy bit of information to have before spending the $10 million on the project. With any luck (as opposed to planning) these will be opperational in the not so distant future.
I welcome comments should any of my 3 readers know more details about the topic:
Below are a few shots from a 3/19 walk at High Rdige WMA.
Below are a few bird shots from the walk.
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Common Mergansers |
Hooded Mergansers |