There were many Cedar Waxwings in the area, one pair was gathering nesting material but later, at a near by industrial park, I found waxwing entering a nest in white pine tree (below).

In the same area as the as the waxwing nest was a Red-breasted Nuthatch, Nashville Warbler, Eastern towhees and this White-throated Sparrow (below).

In South Ashburnham I walked an abondonded RR track, I was targeting Winter Wren, which I had yet to find in this block. I first walked a few streets, for suburban type birds where I managed to find a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding on wild flowers. Along the RR trail there were several Hermit Thrushes(one was feeding a begging fledgling), a few veerys and the typical assortment of woodland birds such as Ruffed Grouse, Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, Red-eyed vireo, Ovenbird and Scarlet Tanager. Ebony Jewelwing along a stream
I must have walked into the nesting area of a Broad-winged Hawk, as it persistantly called moving about the forest canopy. This agitated some a nearby Hairy Woodpecker and a Winter Wren, which gave its charactoristic double chip note, one of two I heard on this walk.
The detail for the preliminary 20 hours between 5/5/07 and 6/30/07, details on the code definitions are at atlas codes
Canada Goose....CO(ON)
Wood Duck....CO(PY)
Hooded Merganser....CO(FL)
Ruffed Grouse....CO(DD)
Wild Turkey....PR(S)
Common Loon....CO(PY)
Double-crested Cormorant....OB(O)
American Bittern....PR(P)
Great Blue Heron....PO(X)
Green Heron....PR(P)
Cooper's Hawk....PO(X)
Broad-winged Hawk....PR(A)
Rock Pigeon....PO(X)
Mourning Dove....PR(S)
Black-billed Cuckoo....PO(X)
Barred Owl....PR(S)
Chimney Swift....PR(P)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird....PO(X)
Belted Kingfisher....PO(X)
Red-bellied Woodpecker....PO(X)
Downy Woodpecker....PR(S)
Hairy Woodpecker....PO(X)
Northern Flicker....PR(S)
Pileated Woodpecker....PR(S)
Eastern Wood-Pewee....PR(S)
Alder Flycatcher....PR(S)
Willow Flycatcher....PR(S)
Eastern Phoebe....PR(S)
Great Crested Flycatcher....PR(S)
Eastern Kingbird....CO(CF)
Blue-headed Vireo....PO(X)
Warbling Vireo....PR(S)
Red-eyed Vireo....PR(S)
Blue Jay....PR(S)
American Crow....PR(S)
Common Raven....PO(X)
Tree Swallow....CO(FY)
Barn Swallow....PR(A)
Black-capped Chickadee....CO(FL)
Tufted Titmouse....PR(S)
Red-breasted Nuthatch....PR(S)
White-breasted Nuthatch....PO(X)
Brown Creeper....PR(S)
House Wren....PR(S)
Winter Wren....PO(X)
Marsh Wren....PO(X)
Hermit Thrush....CO(FL)
Wood Thrush....PR(S)
American Robin....CO(CN)
Gray Catbird....PR(S)
Northern Mockingbird....PO(X)
European Starling....CO(CF)
Cedar Waxwing....
Nashville Warbler....PR(P)
Yellow Warbler....PR(S)
Chestnut-sided Warbler....PR(S)
Magnolia Warbler....PO(X)
Black-throated Blue Warbler....PR(S)
Yellow-rumped Warbler....PR(S)
Black-throated Green Warbler....PR(S)
Blackburnian Warbler....PO(X)
Pine Warbler....CO(CN)
Black-and-white Warbler....PR(S)
American Redstart....PR(S)
Northern Waterthrush....PR(S)
Common Yellowthroat....CO(CF)
Canada Warbler....PR(S)
Scarlet Tanager....PR(S)
Eastern Towhee....PR(S)
Chipping Sparrow....CO(CF)
Song Sparrow....CO(CF)
Swamp Sparrow....PR(S)
White-throated Sparrow....PR(S)
Northern Cardinal....PR(S)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak....PR(S)
Indigo Bunting....PR(S)
Red-winged Blackbird....CO(CF)
Common Grackle....CO(CF)
Brown-headed Cowbird....PO(X)
Baltimore Oriole....PR(S)
Purple Finch....PR(S)
House Finch....CO(CN)
American Goldfinch...PR(P)
Evening Grosbeak....PO(X)
House Sparrow.........PR(S)