When I got back to my car I heard a Green Heron calling from the wetland0 at the junction of Rte140 and Smith Street, actually there were 2 in flight together and a 3rd one a hundred yards away, also in flight. A White-tailed Deer was very close to rte 140 browsing in the shrubs, I hid behind my car so as not to spook it. She walked very close to me, perhaps 20 feet away, fortunately she remained calm and did not "bolt" toward rte 140, which was rather busy. I took the picture below as she looked me in the eyes, then she walked off into the marsh.
On Lake Wompanoag a single Common Loon was swimming, perhaps its mate is tending the nest. Hopefully, in the next few weeks this pair will have a chick or two...they have been nesting on this Lake since 1995. At the Wompanoag Audubon sanctuary were several woodland species such as Hermit Thrush, Magnolia and Canada Warbler and a few Broad-winged Hawks, one adult and one year old bird in heavy molt. Bobolinks were busy flying back and forth over the field, the first I'd seen them here this year. While walking a woodland path an the sanctuary I came across a Ruffed Grouse that immediately began squealing and trying to distract me from the area. This bird obviously had a nest or young close by, I immediatley left the area this display was enough to confirm breeding for this species.
At Mount Wachusett Community College I saw several Barn Swallows, which seemed confused and distressed, flying to the garage doors out back. I would surmise these may have built nests inside and now the doors were closed for the weekend, leaving them no access to get back to their duties?
This morning's list, from 0530 to 1030:
Canada Goose ...4
Wood Duck...2
Mallard ...1
Hooded Merganser ...12
Ruffed Grouse ...1
Common Loon ...1
American Bittern...1
Great Blue Heron...4
Green Heron ...3
Broad-winged Hawk ...2
Mourning Dove...6
Downy Woodpecker...1
Hairy Woodpecker...1
Northern Flicker ...1
Pileated Woodpecker...1
Eastern Wood-Pewee...1
Alder Flycatcher...3
Willow Flycatcher...3
Eastern Phoebe ...1
Great Crested Flycatcher ...1
Eastern Kingbird...3
Blue-headed Vireo...4
Warbling Vireo ...2
Red-eyed Vireo...7
Blue Jay ...7
American Crow ...9
Common Raven ...1
Tree Swallow...16
Barn Swallow ...8
Black-capped Chickadee...9
Tufted Titmouse...5
Red-breasted Nuthatch...2
Brown Creeper...5
House Wren...3
Marsh Wren ...1
Hermit Thrush...4
Wood Thrush ...3
American Robin...9
Gray Catbird ...7
Northern Mockingbird...1
Euopean Starling ...3
Cedar Waxwing...7
Nashville Warbler...1
Yellow Warbler...5
Chestnut-sided Warbler...1
Magnolia Warbler...1
Black-throated Blue Warbler...2
Yellow-rumped Warbler...1
Black-throated Green Warbler...6
Blackburnian Warbler...1
Pine Warbler...4
Black-and-white Warbler...6
Northern Waterthrush...1
Common Yellowthroat...12
Canada Warbler...1
Scarlet Tanager...1
Chipping Sparrow...4
Song Sparrow...12
Swamp Sparrow...9
White-throated Sparrow...1
Northern Cardinal...2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak...3
Indigo Bunting...2
Red-winged Blackbird...29
Common Grackle...27
Brown-headed Cowbird...2
Baltimore Oriole...3
Purple Finch...2
American Goldfinch...15
House Sparrow...2
What a close encounter you had with the deer.-beautiful photo-Sounds like you are quite the birder.-I have a book about birding in Massachusetts that I'm currently reading-Maybe I'll make a visit to Mass some time.
Thank You, Larry. The deer was very close and remained remarkably calm ("for being face to face".)
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