The flat sounding "check" notes of many Yellow-rumped Warblers in the nearby wood lots could be heard, we are still in the peak of this species passing through the area. Common resident species such as Tufted Titmouse and Blue Jays showed well too.
Tufted Titmouse foraging in the oaks.
The farmer was beginning to cut the corn stalks, he did manage to get stuck in a wet depression, but he managed to work the rig out with some skill and finess. This activity kept the Red-winged Blackbirds on the move, approx. 1,000 were roving the area.
An American Coots was a nice surprise on nearby South Meadow Pond along with 50+ Mallards, 1 American Wigeon, a Green-winged Teal and a dozen Ring-necked Duck. Greater Scaup numbers on Coachlace Pond grew from 2 last week to 21 yesterday.
Later I headed over to Bolton Flats to see how the sparrow-fest was progressing, and it was! While I did not find any rarities, there were good numbers of Swamp, Song and White throated Sparrows of which I counted over a 100 of each...though keeping trackin the weedy habitat is diffiecult to say the least, but you should get the idea! Mixed in were a few White-crowned, Savanah, only one Lincoln's and a few Juncos.
Good numbers of Yellow-rumped Warblers, a dozen plus Palm Warbler (2 westerns were in the mix), a Blackpoll and Common Yellowthroat. 14 Tree Swallows were a nice sight, perhaps the last I'll see of this species for the year (at least in Worcester County) and many Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a few American Pipits and migrating hawks and Canada Geese high overhead.
Savanah Sparrow.
Swamp Sparrow
a leusistic Song Sparrow, I seem to find at least one leusistic version of this species nearly every year.
1 comment:
Those are some really good birds. Sounds like a really productive outing.
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