While traveling east bound on Rte, in Gardner, today I noticed a dead bird on the side of the road. Upon stopping I discovered it was a Barred Owl. I recall the winter of 2007/2008 was a bad year for road kill Barred Owls. Birders were finding dead birds with a great deal of frequency. I recall in a few days time, during early March 2008, finding 3 along Rte 2 between Westminster and Gardner and seeing another further east, where it was not safe to stop.
My three ended up with Natural Heritage and were eventually forwarded to Tufts U. for further study. It seemed likely that winter, there was a major influx of northern birds. My understanding, from speaking with Natural Heritage during a followup conversation, the birds had not staved to dead but likely were hunting near the roads and highways and were struck by traffic. Hopefully this coming season will not be a repeat!
Lets hope this is the only one you find this winter like this.
Larry, its always bit a sad to find road kill owls...hopefully this'll be the last I find for a while.
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