Many spring migrants have arrived in the area during the past week, while I have seen no real local rarities (other than last week's W-E Vireo), the rising moon on Friday evening was certainly spectacular.
A Digi-scope moon shot, from Winchendon, Ma.
Tree Swallows have been back while, this one at Gardner's Wompanoag Mass. Audubon Sanctuary.
All the nest boxes seemed to have a Tree Swallow perched on top.
A Nashville Warbler in Gardner, I heard and saw several on a hike up Mt. Watatic on Sunday Morning May 10th.
This female Black-throated Blue Warbler was deep in the woods of Ashburnham, I "spished" it in, along with a male (likely its mate), they were in good breeding habitat..lots of Mountain Laurel in this area.
Another shot of the same female, I missed getting a shot of the male, it was late in the day and light conditions were poor.
I visited Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge, in the Still River section of Harvard, after work on Monday evening, on my way to Bolton Flats.
This American Redstart was in Harvard, Ma. , along the Nashua River.
At Bolton Flats, I was fortunate to see a nice assortment of shorebirds, including 8 Killdeer, 3 Solitary Sandpipers, 12 Greater Yellowlegs, 18 Lesser yellowlegs, 4 Spotted Sandpipers and about a dozen Least Sandpipers. Sora, Virgina Rail and American Bittern were all heard calling.
A close up of one of the Greater Yellowlegs, through the scope.
Great shot of the moon Tom. I tried doing that myself on Friday night but failed miserably.
You did great with the Black-throated Green. I have developed a sudden appreciation for excellent warbler pictures because I know now how challenging they are to get. That one is spot on though.
Love the Canada Warbler, especially its eyes. It is now on my must see list for the summer. ;o)
Thanks Kim,
Canada Warblers seem to like wooded wetlands with thicket cover such as Mountain Laurel, up this way at least. often they can be tought o get a good look at, but will respond to spishing noises and sometime come into view the "this one" but with the poor light the photo was very grainy and dreary.
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