At home was a nice showing of finches, approx. 70 goldfinch, ~20 siskins and a dozen House "purples" at home yet.
At the Westminster Landfill, scanned from a distant hillside, were Turkey Vultures (5 or 6), Herring Gulls (~250), Great Black-backed Gulls (~25) and a single Iceland Gull (a distant smallish white winged gull).
At Sterling Peat, in Sterling was a Brown-headed Cowbird and a Red-tailed Hawk was cooperative for a brief photo session. The Thompson Basin of Wachusett Reservoir had some open water holding several Common and Hooded Mergansers.
Hilites from the River Road section of Wachusett Res. were Common and Hooded mergs, a Mute Swan, Wood Duck, a few Common Goldeneyes, and a Ring-necked Duck for waterfowl. The hybrid Red-shouldered-x- Red-tailed hawk was still present. It was "perch hunting" from atop the tele-poles along the main road. A silent Tree Swallow passed overhead, not much for it to chirp about with the heavy ice and snow cover!
At Coachlace Pond in Clinton was a single Tree Swallow, Eastern Phoebe and Rusty Blackbird along with a juv. bald Eagle passed over head.
During early afternoon at Bolton Flats were a few Canada Geese, Mallards, American Black Ducks, 26 Green-winged Teal, a Red-shouldered Hawk, Great Blue Heron and a Common Redpoll heard calling over head.
Finally at the Fitchburg Airport was a single Snow Bunting and 150 gulls all Herring and Black-backed.
A few photos :
Rusty Blackbird at the west end of Coachlace Pond, in Clinton |
Eastern Phoebe at the west end of Coachlace Pond |
This 1st year Bald Eagle pasted over Coachlace Pond, |
Adult Red-tailed Hawk at Sterling Peat |
the hybrid Red-shouldered X Red-tailed Hawk near River Road in West Boylston, first found by Ryan Schain and most recently reported by Nick Paulson. |
Another view of the RSXRT hybrid, note the tail extends well beyond the wing tips, compare with the Red-tail above. |