We headed away from the river, to gain elevation along a back road up toward Chesterfield adding on species such as Nashville, Black-throat Blue , Blackburnian Warblers, Lousiana Waterthrush and Pileated Woodpecker. We missed Winter Wren and Northern Waterthrush but still had planned stops for these species later. Near the open fields in Chesterfield we picked up Wild Turkey, Savannah Sparrow and Bobolink....we took a few moments to feed a few friendly horses a little bit of grass.
Next stop was Krif Road in Keene, there was very little water left from recent rains for shorebirds, but we managed a few Least and Spotted Sandpipers along with a Brown Thrasher. The Keene Airport in Swanzey was an important stop were we found target species...Eastern Meadowlark, Mockingbird and Grasshopper Sparrow....But missed American Kestrel, Horned Lark and Vesper Sparrow (which was just too cooperative the previous day, when Chuck and I had great looks from less than 20 feet!).
Old Dublin Road, a 5 mile section of dirt road along the north side of Mt. Monadnock, is a great spot for northern type species, we added Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Magnolia and Canada Warblers and White-throated Sparrow. Key species missed, we'd hoped for along this section, were Northern Waterthrush and Winter Wren!
We birded the old ski slopes of Temple Mtn and picked up Prairie and Mourning Warbler (that sang only once!) and Field Sparrow.....but missed Dark-eyed Junco (we didn't feel like paying the $3/head fee, to drive up to Miller State Park for this species!). This was the end of our "planned route", it was about 1PM and our total species list was about 105, now was time to start mopping up. A few "easy species" missing were Rock Pigeon! , Red-tailed Hawk and Bank Swallow!
Paul fell asleep while we were driving through Keene, so we had to elbow Paul from his cat nap....."Paul..... look.... Pigeons" ..."Got'em"... "Ya"... "go back to sleep"?! After getting "skunked" on new birds at Surry Mtn Lake, we were traveling along toward the Conn. River in Walpole. Cliff and Bank Swallow made it onto our list over the river and a Red-tailed Hawk was picked up along River Road.
We "stooped" to looking in manure pits for shorebirds.."Sh*t happens"
While Birdathon teams along the seacoast were struggling with traffic and parking, to view their shorebirds, we found ample parking beside "ripe" manure pits, along River Road in Walpole, were had seen a Solitary Sandpiper in one the previous day! There was still plenty of manure in the one that had held the Solitary Sandpiper, but essentially no water (not the pit photo'd above) and no sandpiper, we canvased the pit area for several minutes adding no new birds. Suddenly Paul shouts, from the back seat of the car, "its half way up the side of the pit"! BINGO
We followed the river south then cut into the forest on the backside of Wantastiquet Mtn back down to the Hinsdale Setbacks, picking up a few new birds a Hooded Merganser and Osprey. With 114 species on the list we birded near the boat ramp and picked up an Orchard Oriole and Yellow-throated Vireo, that we'd missed in the morning. From there it was out to the powerline tower, in the marsh, to look and listen for marsh birds, Nighthawks , waterfowl or anything! 3 distant yellowlegs passed the marsh at a long distance, then a Green Heron (flushed by another birdathon team that had the same day end plan as us). After much waiting and no new bird we walked back to the car and scanned the marsh to the north, an American Bittern called from the north and a moment later a Kingfisher was heard, first by Mike, rattling away.
120 species was the day list, we were essentially done before 9 PM choosing not bird until mid-night. On the drive back to Massachusetts we stopped at a few spots to listen for Woodcock and would miss the species, in New Hampshire. Ironically when we dropped Mike at his car in Ashburnham, Ma. and we heard a woodcock calling in the distance!
The Birdathon List:
Species ........town of first observation
Common Loon ..........Spofford
Double-crested Cormorant ...........Spofford
American Bittern ...........Hinsdale
Great Blue Heron ..................Hinsdale
Green Heron .............Hinsdale
Turkey Vulture................ Peterborough
Canada Goose ..............Hinsdale
Mute Swan (I) ..............Hinsdale
Wood Duck .................Hinsdale
Mallard .............Hinsdale
Hooded Merganser ............Hinsdale
Common Merganser .............Dublin
Osprey ..................Hinsdale
Bald Eagle .............Hinsdale
Cooper's Hawk ...............Westmoreland
Broad-winged Hawk ...........Hinsdale
Red-tailed Hawk .............Westmoreland
Wild Turkey ..............Swanzey
Virginia Rail ................Hinsdale
Sora ................Hinsdale
Killdeer ................Hinsdale
Yellowlegs Species ..............Hinsdale
Solitary Sandpiper ...................Walpole
Spotted Sandpiper ..................Keene
Least Sandpiper ............Hinsdale
Ring-billed Gull .............Spofford
Rock Dove (I) ..................Keene
Mourning Dove.................. Hinsdale
Black-billed Cuckoo Hinsdale
Barred Owl ..................Winchester
Whip-poor-will .................Winchester
Chimney Swift ..............Hinsdale
Ruby-throated Hummingbird............ Hinsdale
Belted Kingfisher ...................Hinsdale
Red-bellied Woodpecker ..............Hinsdale
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker................ Dublin
Downy Woodpecker............. Hinsdale
Hairy Woodpecker .............Hinsdale
Northern Flicker ..............Hinsdale
Pileated Woodpecker ...............Chesterfield
Eastern Wood-Pewee ................Hinesdale
Alder Flycatcher ...........Hinesdale
Willow Flycatcher ............Hinsdale
Least Flycatcher.............. Hinsdale
Eastern Phoebe ...........Winchester
Great Crested Flycatcher ..........Hinsdale
Eastern Kingbird .........Hinsdale
Blue-headed Vireo ............Hinsdale
Yellow-throated Vireo........... Hinsdale
Warbling Vireo........... Hinsdale
Red-eyed Vireo........... Hinsdale
Blue Jay ............Hinsdale
American Crow ..............Hinsdale
Common Raven ............Peterborough
Tree Swallow ............Hinsdale
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ...........Hinsdale
Bank Swallow ..............Walpole
Barn Swallow .............Hinsdale
Cliff Swallow ............Walpole
Black-capped Chickadee............ Hinsdale
Tufted Titmouse .........Hinsdale
Red-breasted Nuthatch.......... Chesterfield
White-breasted Nuthatch ...........Hinsdale
Brown Creeper .............Hinsdale
House Wren ............Hinsdale
Marsh Wren ............Hinsdale
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ..........Hinsdale
Eastern Bluebird........ Hinsdale
Veery............ Hinsdale
Hermit Thrush ...............Dublin
Wood Thrush ............Hinsdale
American Robin.......... Hinsdale
Gray Catbird.......... Hinsdale
Northern Mockingbird .........Keene
Brown Thrasher ...........Keene
European Starling (I) .............Hinsdale
Cedar Waxwing .............Hinsdale
Nashville Warbler............ Chesterfield
Northern Parula .............Dublin
Yellow Warbler ............Hinsdale
Chestnut-sided Warbler ..............Hinsdale
Magnolia Warbler ............Dublin
Yellow-rumped Warbler ............Hinsdale
Black-throated Blue Warbler........... Hinsdale
Black-throated Green Warbler .........Hinsdale
Blackburnian Warbler.......... Hinsdale
Pine Warbler ...............Winchester
Prairie Warbler ...............Peterborough
Blackpoll Warbler ...............Hinsdale
Black-and-white Warbler ............Hinsdale
American Redstart............... Hinsdale
Ovenbird ..................Hinsdale
Louisiana Waterthrush ..................Hinsdale
Mourning Warbler ................Peterborough
Common Yellowthroat ..............Hinsdale
Wilson's Warbler ............Hinsdale
Canada Warbler ...............Dublin
Scarlet Tanager............... Hinsdale
Eastern Towhee ................Chesterfield
Chipping Sparrow ............Winchester
Field Sparrow ................Peterborough
Savannah Sparrow ...........Chesterfield
Grasshopper Sparrow .........Swanzey
Song Sparrow .....................Hinsdale
Swamp Sparrow ....................Hinsdale
White-throated Sparrow ............Dublin
Northern Cardinal ...........Hinsdale
Rose-breasted Grosbeak .........Hinsdale
Indigo Bunting ........Hinsdale
Bobolink......... Chesterfield
Red-winged Blackbird......... Hinsdale
Eastern Meadowlark......... Swanzey
Common Grackle ............Hinsdale
Brown-headed Cowbird .........Hinsdale
Orchard Oriole......... Hinsdale
Baltimore Oriole.......... Hinsdale
Purple Finch .......Hinsdale
House Finch .......Hinsdale
American Goldfinch........ Hinsdale
House Sparrow .......Hinsdale
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